Black Men as Kings

The story of many young black men is this: either we have no fathers or no true upbringing. What if we were raised to know and overstand the fact that we are all Kings and it is our natural born right to success and be at the top of every "food" chain? As a black man myself and observing the actions of others I see that we don't for one don't know how to treat our own women, be fathers to our children and leaders of our community. We are too locked into our own success to see that there are others in this country that need us all to step up and claim our throne in this foriegn country. Our Queens are no longer Queens, we don't treat them as such and the children suffer. Let us reclaim our thrones and be F.R.E.E.


1 comment:

Adonis said...

I think that is a beautiful and true statement. recently i have been in the company of some deep thinkers and they have enlightened me to research where black people truely come from. i heard 2 men speaking about black men being kings and that we are originally from the mountains. also that we were the first people in the united states but we were enslaved by whites. do you know if there is any truth to this? if so are there books i can research?