Black Men as Kings

The story of many young black men is this: either we have no fathers or no true upbringing. What if we were raised to know and overstand the fact that we are all Kings and it is our natural born right to success and be at the top of every "food" chain? As a black man myself and observing the actions of others I see that we don't for one don't know how to treat our own women, be fathers to our children and leaders of our community. We are too locked into our own success to see that there are others in this country that need us all to step up and claim our throne in this foriegn country. Our Queens are no longer Queens, we don't treat them as such and the children suffer. Let us reclaim our thrones and be F.R.E.E.


The Image of the Body (Body Image Debate)

I have been ridiculed by many of my peers for my perspectives on the image of the body. Mainly because in my opinion it doesn't matter what someone else thinks about how I look, but it seems as if most people manage their personal presentation on how the outside world perceives them.

I hate the old saying "perception is reality" because it says that what you think about yourself doesn't matter and what does matter is what someone else thinks about you. So if your a complicated person people who don't have open minds tend to incorrectly judge you as an individual.

One instance that I have a problem with is the whole interview scenario. I am a business major and on many occasions I have been told that the way you look in the eyes of the interviewer can determine whether or not you get the position you are applying for with the company. I believe that this is a tragedy because many times candidates aren't properly trained on how to present themselves even though they maintain the mental capability to do the job. I was riding with my manager while on my last internship in Atlanta and my manager adamantly explained to me that if a young man of color came into an interview with her and had braids or locks that she would feel disrespected. She further explained that not only will she get the feeling of discourtesy that she will automatically go thumbs down on moving forward with that individual. Why can't we as African-American people express ourselves in a way that is unique to our own culture without ridicule from other races or even members of our own race? Far too often we have to assimilate to what white society thinks is acceptable in our own appearance. This is evident with black women feeling like having nappy hair is a bad thing. That they should get perms that slowly seep chemicals into their scalp and causing their hair to look like the picture below:

All I would say from here is that people shouldn't live their

lives wondering what someone else thinks about how they

look, just be comfortable with self.

Know Thy Self.........

Who are you? Can you honestly say that you actively try to achieve growth as an individual? To ascend to a level of understanding that makes you superior in the pantheon of normality that we currently exist. What are your values in life? What motivates you to continue waking up everyday and moving throughout your day?

As a man of integrity it is only appropriate that I answer the very questions that I have posed to the reader. I am an African-American man who has come a long way in the art of self progression. I have an old soul which is one of the things that serves as a anchor in the decisions that I make in my life. Yes, although I'm not consistent with it I feel that reading is the best way to gain knowledge and exercise the mind. I also believe that the history we leave behind us always dictates the path of our future.

My personal values consist of being an honest individual, staying balanced on all three levels of my being: physically, spiritually, and mentally. Having a sense of loyalty and surrounding myself with people who are striving to achieve success in life. My motivational drive is my family. I realize that when all friendships have come and gone, your family (in most cases) will still be in your life.


Do you know yourself?