Know Thy Self.........

Who are you? Can you honestly say that you actively try to achieve growth as an individual? To ascend to a level of understanding that makes you superior in the pantheon of normality that we currently exist. What are your values in life? What motivates you to continue waking up everyday and moving throughout your day?

As a man of integrity it is only appropriate that I answer the very questions that I have posed to the reader. I am an African-American man who has come a long way in the art of self progression. I have an old soul which is one of the things that serves as a anchor in the decisions that I make in my life. Yes, although I'm not consistent with it I feel that reading is the best way to gain knowledge and exercise the mind. I also believe that the history we leave behind us always dictates the path of our future.

My personal values consist of being an honest individual, staying balanced on all three levels of my being: physically, spiritually, and mentally. Having a sense of loyalty and surrounding myself with people who are striving to achieve success in life. My motivational drive is my family. I realize that when all friendships have come and gone, your family (in most cases) will still be in your life.


Do you know yourself?

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